Table of contents

Setting Up

  theme: neutral
  layout: elk

graph TD
  download[Download the docker compose file] --> run(Spin up the container)
  run --> web{Visit localhost:8848/docs}


BQAT API is designed to be a self-contained backend service for biometrics analysis. It could be considered the endpoint from the front-end product.

The codebase in this repository does not include proper configuration for production environment, so you may want to set up your proxy server, domain, web server workers, etc.


  theme: neutral
  layout: elk

flowchart LR
  A[Frontend] --> B([Biometrics])
  B --> |HTTP Request| C(Create Tasks)
  C --> D{BQAT API}
  D <--> |Quality Metrics| E[JSON]
  D <--> |Quality Report| F[HTML]
  E --> H[(Database)]
  F --> H[(Database)]
  A --> |HTTP Request| G(Check Task Status)
  G --> D
  A <--> |HTTP Request| I(Retrieve Finished Task)
  I --> D

  1. Create a scan task with your input dataset (POST /scan/), the dataset could come from local data/ folder or upload via the HTTP request.
  2. Note down the task ID (tid) from the response, and check the status of this task (GET /task/{task id}/).
  3. Retrieve the results using dataset ID (collection ID from response above) from the server (GET /scan/{dataset id}/profiles).


POST /scan/uploaded

Create scan task from images uploaded via the endpoint.

GET /task/{task_id}/

Check task status.

GET /scan/{dataset_id}/profiles

Create scan task from images uploaded via the endpoint.

GET /scan/{dataset_id}/outliers

Try to detect outliers of this dataset (task).

GET /scan/{dataset_id}/report

Get assesment report of this dataset (task).

Note: Refer to localhost:8848/docs for full list of endpoints.



  "file": "12347.jpg",
  "image_height": 244,
  "image_width": 212,
  "confidence": 0.866117537021637,
  "bbox_left": 49,
  "bbox_upper": 74,
  "bbox_right": 183,
  "bbox_lower": 208,
  "smile": false,
  "eye_closed_left": false,
  "eye_closed_right": false,
  "ipd": 48,
  "pupil_right_x": 43,
  "pupil_right_y": 45,
  "pupil_left_x": 91,
  "pupil_left_y": 47,
  "yaw_pose": "Right",
  "yaw_degree": -24.930552093832574,
  "pitch_pose": "Down",
  "pitch_degree": -32.260817406476285,
  "roll_pose": "Level",
  "roll_degree": -0.4556886155332786,
  "glasses": true

Quality Report:




