Table of contents


The speech assessment module provides various quality metrics, including naturalness, colouration, noisiness, etc.


Create a folder named data under your working directory and put your audio files in this folder.

Suported file formats:

  • wav

Due to algorithm limitation, sub-folder might not work as expected. If your folder with audio files is in data/speech/, files in data/speech/audio/ won’t be processed.


BQAT will produce the quality scores generated by the engines as well as additional information in columns. It will be saved as CSV from CLI or JSON from API.


Column Description
quality Overall quality estimation of the speech audio file.
noisiness Quality degradation such as background, circuit, or coding noise.
discontinuity Quality degradation caused by isolated or non-stationary distortions, e.g. introduced by packet-loss or clipping.
coloration Quality degradation caused by frequency response distortions, e.g. introduced by bandwidth limitation, low bitrate codecs, or packet-loss concealment.
loudness Influence of the loudness on the perceived quality of transmitted speech.
naturalness Estimation of the naturalness of synthetic speech.