Table of contents


The engine for the analysis of fingerprints is based on NIST/NFIQ2 quality features. The quality score links the image quality of optical and ink 500 PPI fingerprints to operational recognition performance.

Examples of Fingerprint quality variation



For fingerprints, the tool works with the image formats WSQ and PNG. For both of these formats, the image will be run directly through NFIQ2. Image formats other than WSQ and PNG are first converted into a compatible format before being run through NFIQ2.

NFIQ2 expects images to have a resolution of at least 500 PPI. The tool will force NFIQ2 to run on images of lower resolution, but the result may be inaccurate.


BQAT will produce the quality scores generated by the engines as well as additional information in columns. It will be saved as CSV from CLI or JSON from API.


Column Description
file Filename of the sample, including the directory path
NFIQ2 NFIQ2 quality score
quantized Input quantized or not
resampled Input resampled or not
uniform_image Standard deviation of gray levels in image indicates uniformity (NFIQ2)
empty_image_or_contrast_too_low The image is blank or the contrast is too low (NFIQ2)
fingerprint_image_with_minutiae Number of minutia in image (NFIQ2)
sufficient_fingerprint_foreground Number of pixels in the computed foreground (NFIQ2)
edge_std Metric to identify malformed images
image_width Width of the input in pixels
image_height Height of the input in pixels

NIST Interagency Report