Table of contents


The iris sample assessment module provides various quality attributes, features, and ISO metrics.

Examples of Iris quality variation



Create a folder named data under your working directory, and put your iris images in this folder .


BQAT will produce the quality scores generated by the engines as well as additional information in columns. It will be saved as CSV from CLI or JSON from API.


Column Description
quality An overall quality score that leverages several statistics together
contrast Raw score quantifying overall image contrast
sharpness Raw score quantifying the sharpness of the image
iris_diameter Raw diameter of the iris measured in pixels
percent_visible_iris Percentage of visible iris area
iris_pupil_gs Raw measure quantifying how distinguishable the boundary is between the pupil and the iris
iris_sclera_gs Raw measure quantifying how distinguishable the boundary is between the iris and the sclera
iso_overall_quality The overall ISO quality score based on the product of normalized individual iso metrics
iso_greyscale_utilization The spread of intensity values regarding the pixel values within the iris portion of the image, recommended value: 6 or greater
iso_iris_pupil_concentricity The degree to which the pupil centre and the iris centre are in the same location, recommended value: 90 or greater
iso_iris_pupil_contrast The image characteristics at the boundary between the iris region and the pupil, recommended value: 30 or greater
iso_iris_pupil_ratio The degree to which the pupil is dilated or constricted, recommended value: between 20 and 70
iso_iris_sclera_contrast The image characteristics at the boundary between the iris region and the sclera, recommended value: greater than 5
iso_margin_adequacy The degree to which the iris portion of the image is centred relative to the edges of the entire image, recommended value: greater than 80
iso_pupil_boundary_circularity The circularity of the iris-pupil boundary
iso_sharpness The degree of focus present in the image
iso_usable_iris_area The fraction of the iris portion of the image that is not occluded by eyelids, eyelashes, or specular reflections
image_width Width of the input in pixels
image_height Height of the input in pixels

Iris Engine